Tuesday, October 11, 2016



The hypocrisy and insanity during this election is ridiculous.  Let’s get involved in politics, but let’s us not lose perspective of reality.

Reality #1:
Politicians and those running to represent us in government are not saints.  They are flawed people just like you and me who are running for their own personal purposes.  The idea is to see if your views or needs align with what they are promising.  You aren't even guaranteed that it will be accomplished.

Reality #2
In our open society couples get married and cheat, both heterosexual, and homosexual, people have one night stands and all kinds of sex. Drugs and crime are glorified. Traitors are seen as heroes, and treating women like sex objects is glorified, sometimes by the women themselves.  This is all evident online, on Netflix, in books, in music videos, in the news and on social media.

Where we stand.
With the amount of issues that this country has to deal with that will undoubtedly affect us all on a personal level, it is amazing to me to see how focused we are on every sexual comment that Trump makes or has made in the past 40 years of his public life which are now surfacing. Whether he called someone fat, flat-chested, ugly or whatever, we are all guilty of the same behavior. We all criticize other people for whatever reasons, yet we expect others not to do this.  I would be a bit weary of someone who had never said anything mean, nasty or rude to anyone else.  We all say things, it is human nature.

We expect Trump to be magical.  We expect more of him than we do of Hillary, but the truth is that there have been several U.S. Presidents to have affairs while in the White House.  However, most of these men were able to accomplish their jobs as President in some capacity.  Everyone claims that Bill Clinton was a good President, yet he had his sexual escapades during his Presidency.

For those who aren’t aware, Warren Harding had a couple of affairs, and possibly fathered a child outside of his marriage.  Franklin D. Roosevelt had an affair with his wife’s secretary. Lyndon B. Johnson had an affair with a married woman who was the wife of one of his financial backers. Dwight Eisenhower had an affair. James Buchanan was in a gay relationship when it wasn’t acceptable.  John F. Kennedy and Gerald Ford both had affairs. Thomas Jefferson had a relationship with his slave, and fathered her children. George H.W. Bush was rumored to have had an affair with one of his assistants, and obviously the aforementioned Bill Clinton.

Now, do we think that these men were all so incredibly attractive that they did not have to use their power or position or anything else to seduce these women?  Let’s be real. If they were broke, or working at McDonald’s or Target they couldn’t have gotten away with what they did.  So we’ve had several scoundrels in the White House both Democrats and Republicans.  Does that mean that they can’t be an effective leader?

While we are here debating Trump’s morality and/or his lack of social filter, the reality remains that if he would have walked on the political stage without these issues, the liberal media, and the Washington establishment would have still not approved of him because he is an outsider.

Government is complicated but it’s not rocket science.  A desire to effectuate change can go a long way.  While we sit here arguing, and throwing memes around for and against the contenders, what we should be concentrating on are the issues.  Rome is burning and we need to start trying to put out the fires in a focused manner, not feed into the media hype on either side about their personal lives.  There are issues that will destroy this country from within if not taken seriously quickly.

Our Constitution is in danger on many levels.  That is the foundation of our government. It was the first stone.  If we keep dissecting it, it will crumble, and so will we.

Some of the things we really need to be focused on during this election are:

   Domestic terrorism:  We have had too many domestic terror attacks by radicalized US citizens.  While we do have freedoms afforded to us we also have to realize that if the police is looking for someone who is tall and blond, they are going to have to pull over, detain, and/or question everyone who is tall and blond. There is no point in questioning red-heads or dark haired people.  This is profiling.  You fit a profile, you have to be questioned.  Profiling is used in many ways. There is behavioral profiling, DNA profiling, and racial profiling just to name a few.  It is our responsibility to cooperate and be vigil, not crazy, just vigil because our lives, and the lives of our neighbors depends on it.  The politicians are all surrounded by Secret Service agents, they and their families are relatively safer than the average citizen.  We have more at stake than they do.

Education: Our education system is rampant with wasteful spending, and common core is detrimental.  The United States continues to score low in comparison with other countries on education, yet we spend more per child than most countries. Our children are not receiving the quality education that they deserve. This is an issue that affects us now, and will affect future generations because children are our future resources. 

Healthcare:  Obamacare has been a disaster and the only people who benefit from it are those who have low incomes or are at the poverty level. Middle class Americans have been the ones most adversely affected by this mandatory imposition.  This plan has to be repealed or repaired but it cannot continue this way.  A single payer plan is not a bad idea, Medicare is a single payer plan, and it works fairly well.   

Job creation: Like my father used to say “we cannot all be doctors, and lawyers, we need all kinds of people so that things work”. Right now, things are not working.  Our manufacturing, and telephone service jobs are going overseas.  Jobs that would benefit millions of Americans.  What is being done by Washington? Nothing.  They just sit idly by because their jobs are guaranteed, and so is their retirement pension and healthcare. They are making their money from their donors, from and some from foreign countries.  They are so far removed from the situation that it is not on the top of their agenda.  They are probably counting on food stamps, unemployment and Medicaid to take care of the citizens if things get really bad.

Military force & Issues: For us to have a respected government in the world we need to be prepared for anything.  A state of the art military is important.  We also need to make sure that those people who we send to do our bidding are given the proper medical care and assistance when they return since they gave up what they had of a life to serve. There are many benefits to joining the military, but those who do serve in war should be treated with dignity and provided with whatever services they need to be able to rejoin mainstream America. No matter how long it takes.  A pat on the back, a medal and a couple of interviews doesn’t cut it.

Cleaning up inner cities:  This is one of the biggest problems that affects most of our major cities and many other areas. While it is impossible to be rid of people who commit crimes because they are actually necessary to a degree, we can try to clean up those areas that are being severely affected by drugs and violence.  Everyone knows that many of those areas are run by gangs or thugs not even the police dare to enter.  This is a situation that needs to be resolved.  This goes back to the lack of proper education in these neighborhoods.  It also goes back to the lack of gainful employment available to people who don’t have an education. These issues all feed off each other to create a huge problem in our inner cities. 

Police, crime, punishment and systemic racism:  Do we still have issues with certain aspects of racism? Yes.  It is evident in our prison system, and it is evident in our inner city schools.  Cleaning up the inner cities, education, job creation and crime all go hand in hand.  When you don’t have a proper education, no job availability, and live in a neighborhood overrun with drugs, it is very difficult to do anything but engage in criminal behavior.  Black men are sent to jail more often than white men, usually because they lack the means to hire a good lawyer to represent them, so they take a plea or fall into the lap of a public defender who is overwhelmed with work, and has no time or funds to prepare a solid defense.  This is why there is an imbalance.  Justice is only as good as the money that you have to spend on it.  It’s not because they are black, it’s because they are broke. A prime example is OJ Simpson.  We also know through research and statistics that nations that have high levels of prison populations also have high levels of homicide. 

ILLEGAL Immigration.
Despite our desire to help others, we must be a law abiding nation.  When it comes to immigration, laws are not being upheld.  We do need secure borders, not only for illegal immigration reasons, but also for drugs that are coming in through the border.  This is a fact, not conjecture.  People in other countries are waiting for years to enter this country legally and going through the process. Is it fair to them to have to wait, when we just let people slip through, and then provide them with social services once they have a child here, or offer amnesty? What message does that continue to send to people in other countries?  This is clearly an issue that needs to be resolved once and for all. 

    One of the most detrimental things we have in this country which has been brought to light during this election is the media and their flagrant disregard for the truth.  Given the state of general ignorance as to any particular subject in this country it is easy for the media to control the masses.  One meme, which is the attention span of the average person, can accomplish major things. One edited clip can change many people’s perspective on anything.  No research needs to be done.  This is what the politicians count on.   This goes back to education as well. We have been taught, trained or brainwashed to no longer think for ourselves.  Why spend time doing research when we have either one side of the media or the other to listen to that can fill us in?  Unfortunately, journalism is dying.  It is rare, and you won’t find it on CNN or Fox.     
    Historically, very few civilizations have lasted for a very long time.  It is only a matter of time before ours changes drastically.  It may be through a civil war if this divisiveness continues, or it may be through the move towards globalization, but it will change.  Our job as citizens of this country is to inform ourselves of the issues that we are facing, and watch out for each other, because we fully know that Washington rarely has our back.  

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