Sunday, November 6, 2016

What Happens Next?

The end of this election is 2 days away, and what have we learned and what happens next, are two questions we may ask ourselves given the turmoil and controversy we’ve had to endure during the past year.

Let’s start with what we’ve learned.  We’ve learned that our system is flawed in ways we didn’t even realize, or weren’t willing to acknowledge until it was shown to us on Facebook, through Wikileaks, and undercover videos taken by Project Veritas.  We’ve learned that upper level government controls justice in ways we couldn’t imagine.  We’ve learned that the people who we rely on to provide us with news and not just spin is ineffective in doing their job and is for sale.  We’ve learned that hackers and whistleblowers are the only ones that we can trust to give us “fair and accurate” reporting of what goes on internally.  We’ve also learned that for the most part both of our political parties are practically one and the same, and that which we call “the establishment” is not only established it’s entrenched.

To prove this, we take a look at this year’s election.  The Democratic Party was hijacked by Bernie Sanders, who is a socialist, and the Republican Party was hijacked by Donald J. Trump, who is Nationalist/Populist.  The effects were astounding, and caused a shaking of the system.  Immediately things were done both by the Washington establishment, and the media which is backed by the establishment to stop each of these men from moving forward.  President Obama, and his wife went on the campaign trail almost more than Hillary Clinton and Time Kaine, in order to appeal to the black voters by throwing in the race card, and ultimately appeal to women voters by throwing in the sexism card.  Two cards that carry a lot of weight and are used indiscriminately during elections.  This was after they had managed to oust Bernie Sanders through underhanded means. 

This election was an all-out war of lies, sex and videotapes.  When Mr. Trump wasn’t saying some outlandish things himself, he was busy warding off accusations of almost everything from colluding with foreign governments to raping a 13 year-old girl.  Social media ran amok with mud-slinging.  It was a bar brawl of the lowest kind.  There were riots in the streets, people sent to interfere with the campaigning process.  And we heard all kinds of accusations ending in “ism” from both sides.
On Tuesday, November 8, 2016, a new President will have been elected, yet neither the Democratic Party nor the Republican Party will ever be the same.  If Hillary Clinton wins it will be under a veil of suspicion and investigation, as well as the very real possibility of a criminal indictment which would lead to impeachment, and the great possibility of a Constitutional crisis.  Even if she is not indicted, the dirt around her and her team will remain, which she may not be able to continue to sweep under the rug and laugh off.  The Bernie supporters who already feel betrayed will undoubtedly question Bernie Sanders’ judgment when he asked them to back Hillary Clinton.  Her supporters will feel that they were let down as well.

Republican party supporters will be angry with the Republican Party for not backing Trump, the same way they had backed all the prior candidates, and allowing this to happen.  What is the probability that they will trust those who are in power that they voted into office?  I’d say slim.

If Donald J. Trump wins on Tuesday, the Republican Party will still be fractured because they failed to support the candidate, and sold out to Hillary Clinton. Clearly any vote or support that wasn’t for Trump would only help her and the lack of proper outward support only means that there is no support.  The Democratic party will still be fractured because of all the shenanigans.  The investigation of Hillary Clinton will continue to a possible indictment, and anyone close to her that wants to continue to be in politics will jump ship as some already have.

If Trump does anything that is positive and noteworthy while in office, he will gain support, and probably stay another four years because he will have proved himself capable.  At that point, he could run under the “Gumby Party” and still be elected into office because four years is not long enough for the people to forget this catastrophe of an election.  If nothing improves under a Trump Presidency, then that is when scary things will happen.  With distrust in our two main parties and negative feelings about anything having to do with the establishment who participated in the 2016 fiasco, the public will turn to anything that is different.  Bernie garnered a lot of support, but he will be too old, and nobody on the circuit would seem like a good choice.   This would be the time where a true socialist could be voted in.  We all know that our universities are places of indoctrination for the liberal agenda, and the millennials will be a large voting block come next election. 

Every four years we hear that “this election is a defining moment for our country because it could be the end of life as we know it”.  Well, I think it’s here.  This election is the precursor to the one we’ve all been warned about.  The one that will be a true gamechanger.  If you thought this one was crazy, hold on to your hats next time around we are headed for the hairpin turn.