Monday, May 30, 2016


When will humanity learn?  Recently there was a tragedy involving a small child who fell into the gorilla pit at a zoo in Ohio.  Unfortunately, they had to kill the gorilla because they could not predict his behavior and were unsure if it would kill the child or severely injure it.

Some people were outraged that the gorilla was killed.  Some were angered by those outraged that the gorilla was killed.  I’m outraged by many things that make up this incident. I am outraged by the fact that we have zoos.  It is objectionable that we feel the need to take animals out of their natural habitats, and put them in confined quarters with man made amenities just so we can gawk at them close up, and the city can make a profit.  

I am outraged that the zoo in question had railing that was sufficiently spacey enough for a child to crawl under, instead of having a plexiglass or solid wall structure.  I am outraged that the parents of this child were so inattentive that because of their failure to tend to their child properly an innocent animal whose ultimate intentions we did not know was killed.  This is not the first time this type of situation happens. 

We also have situations in which animals attack their caregivers sometimes killing them.  I find that these situations are avoidable if we allow these animals to remain where they belong.   Obviously these are majestic creatures that are not running around the streets like cats and dogs that we can take home and make them our pets.  Some are endangered species.   This is what makes them so attractive, mysterious, interesting to us.

While I also find animals interesting and beautiful, I do think that if you really want to see them, you should go to them.  Go down to Africa and ride around in a jeep a watch elephants roam freely.  Don’t take them out of their homes and put them into artificial surroundings just for our viewing pleasure.  If you want the kids to know about animals of the wild, then contract Disney to recreate all these animals and have a zoo where the imitation animals can live in their imitation home for our viewing pleasure.  We can all watch the documentaries on Discovery Channel about them in  their natural surroundings. 

In my opinion, this situation has to change.  It is inhumane to continue to have all of these animals, living under these conditions, and situations such as these that continue to happen going on.